Saturday, March 12, 2011


Ugh...can I please stop being disgusting?!?! My house is always a mess. HOW can it always be such a mess? It's sooooo gross! I can barely even work in my kitchen because there's so many dishes and crap piled up everywhere. Okay, it's is SERIOUSLY time to get back on track! Here are some of the things I want to do everyday:

1. Dishes
2. Pack lunch (and breakfast)
3. Fill Brita Filter

But that's not it. Later, as I master these, I will add to the list like normal. But here is my to do list

1. get rid of washer thingy that I hate
2. wash sheets
3. clean out fridge (throw out the bad milk and old salad)
4. vacuum
5. sweep and mop
6. take out kitchen trash
7. pretty much my whole entire bathroom
8. entry shelves
9. scrapbook stuff away

Thursday, December 30, 2010

To Do List

1. throw out soup
2. dishes
3. sweep/mop
4. return clothes
5. crockpot
6. meal plan
7. entry shelves
8. make laundry soap
9. redo calendar
10. kitchen trash
11. Put the stuff in the cardboard box away
12. Pay rent
13. put blender away
14. org entry shelves
15. org pantry
16. vacuum
17. shoes

Sunday, December 19, 2010

This week...

This is going to be a weird week for me. For one, it's Christmas on Saturday. Two, that's the day my work schedule changes and I go from graveyard to day shift (so that means on Sat. I work at midnight and don't get off until noon. 12 hrs!). 3- my dad had hip surgery on Fri and so I'm pretty much "on call" to help my dad during the day when my mom has to return to work. and 4- sometime, I don't even know when, my brother is coming to town for the holiday.

I did okay on the dishes. I didn't do them everyday. But I don't have a stack of dishes in my sink, like I normally do so that's a success.
The daily chore I'm going to add: TBA

Also, there's a ton to do:
1. Take out the kitchen trash
2. vacuum
3. Sweep and mop
4. wash bed sheets
5. get hair cut
6. clean tank
7. deposit that check!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Did the dishes!

I did the dishes last night. Just like I was supposed to. I did them before I went to bed (at about 4 AM). I almost gave myself a pass because it was so late. But I didn't! And I'm a bit proud of myself.

I thought that since I would have to do the dishes every night, I would want to make fewer dishes but the opposite is happening. I make more, knowing I'll just do them tonight anyway. Hmm, I may want to become more conservative.

At least they're done.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cleaning out the Pantry

Here's the thing. I always buy all these ingredients for things recipes I want to make and then I end up not making the recipe. So my pantry ends up stuffed with cans, etc... and I don't want to just throw them out- it's such a waste and maybe I will use it someday. I wish I thought to take a picture before this to show you how stuffed and unorganized it was. I was itching to clean it out, but didn't know what I wanted to do.

Then at work I saw a flyer about a man that works in the IT department. His wife has cancer and this Christmas they're accepting donations for toys for their children as well as any food donations. I mean, how perfect! Here I was, a single gal wondering "what am I going to do with all this extra food?" and here they are... So I went right home and I cleaned out my pantry.
Here's what it looks like now.
SO much better! I can't tell you how much better. 
I can't all remember what I gave away but I think it was:
1 box capri suns
1 box spaghetti noodles
1 can corn
3 cans of soup
1 can Manwich sloppy joe mix
1 box of those fruit cup things

I do think the kids will like the fruit cups and capri suns. I do feel a little guilty that I gave them noodles and no spaghetti sauce and sloppy joe mix and no hamburger meat (of course I couldn't donate a perishable). But I'd like to think that every bit counts. 

The total of everything I gave away came to (approx) just under $9. Not a huge amount. But hopefully it helps them. And hopefully more people do the same thing and donate all they can and then it would really  help out this family. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

To Do List

So my sis get's married on Thursday- so I'm going down early early Wednesday morning. So, there's LOTS to do before I go.
1. Cut hair
2. Pack
3. Wrap her present
4. pick up the laundry
5. dishes
6. clean Abel's tank
7. fix chair
8. take out all the trash
9. take food donations to work
10. dust// vacuum
11. sweep// mop
12. clean out fridge
13. return netflix
14. deposit check
15. Nails
16. DI

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm back! With two eye lash curlers

I dunno what is up with my computer and why it won't recognize my camera's sim card thingy (can you tell I'm so not computer savvy?)
Anyway, I'm back and here's the motivating factor as to why:

I have two!!!!!!!
I needed an eye lash curler the other day and so I went to the store and bought one. About 1 week later, I was rustling around in one of my bathroom drawers and I found...another eye lash curler! I had one all along! But my drawers (and house) is such a mess that I didn't even know/ remember I already had one and I bought one for absolutely no reason. And there's absolutely no reason to have two eyelash curlers.
This made me realize that I really do need to keep my house in better shape!
I have a drawer FULL of crap that I never use and then when there is something I do need, I can't find it. What sense does that make??
So I got rid of a ton of stuff. Clothes, bath products (1/3 bottle of lotion from 2 years ago. Really?) even food from my pantry that I donated to a family for a Christmas drive thing.
I feel tons better already.

Now I need to get back to my daily chores. So here goes: dishes. every night.